When you neglect a dental cavity and don’t treat it, it leads to bacterial infection. A ball of pus forms due to this infection either on the tip of the root or on the gums. This is a tooth abscess or dental abscess.
A dentist in Panjagutta says that an abscess formed on the tip of the tooth’s root is a periapical abscess. And when formed on the gums to the sides of the root, it is a periodontal abscess. The latter has more chance of spreading to other tissues and areas.
What are the symptoms to look for an abscess?
A dental clinic in Madinaguda lists some symptoms that indicate the presence of a tooth abscess. Here are they:
Unbearable tooth pain that spreads even to the jaw and ear
Difficulty in chewing or swallowing
Swelling of the face or neck that makes you unable to breathe sometimes
Fever or chills
Bad breath
Foul taste in the mouth
Excessive tooth sensitivity
When the above-mentioned symptoms persist or elevate, rush to a dental clinic immediately to avoid serious effects.
What kind of treatment does a dentist prefer?
A dental hospital in KPHB says that it is ideal to start the treatment with an x-ray. It helps the dentist to understand the area of infection. Then the doctor works on the abscess by making an incision to cut it open and letting the pus out. Sometimes antibiotics are also prescribed depending upon the patient’s immunity and the severity of the infection.
If the infection is severe, your dentist may go for a tooth extraction to prevent damage to the other teeth. In some cases, performing a root canal treatment saves the infected tooth. But leaving the abscess or its root untreated can lead to even major complications.
Never neglect a tooth abscess even if the symptoms subside. Do visit a dentist nearby and have follow-up sessions post-treatment. Following a good oral hygiene routine can prevent tooth and gum problems.