Dentists recommended tips for the oral health of kids


It is very vital to take care of the oral health of kids starting from an early age. Kids start developing dental cavities and other oral problems when there is no proper oral care for them. Also, it is not easy to get children to brush twice a day or let them not eat sugary […]

Dental attention! Check if you need a tooth filling

tooth filling treatment

Unattended tooth cavity causes debris to accumulate in the tooth or in between the teeth. This leads to tooth sensitivity, pain and even discomfort while eating. Dental filling or commonly called tooth filling is a painless procedure that repairs a tooth.  What actually is tooth filling? Dentists remove the debris from the decayed part of […]

Change the way your smile appears with Teeth Aligners

teeth aligners

Unlike the traditional metallic brackets that come to our mind, teeth aligners are more comfortable and look-wise great. All because of the advancement in dentistry. There are also more benefits of teeth aligners than one would think. People of any age can wear aligners these days to fix their crooked or misaligned teeth. Why teeth […]

Tooth abscess or dental abscess. All you need to know

tooth abscess

When you neglect a dental cavity and don’t treat it, it leads to bacterial infection. A ball of pus forms due to this infection either on the tip of the root or on the gums. This is a tooth abscess or dental abscess. A dentist in Panjagutta says that an abscess formed on the tip […]

Look for a Pediatric dentist for your infant’s teeth


Your baby’s first laugh is a magical milestone. The first glimpse of that tiny white tooth bud peeking through tender gums promises more magic ahead. But that little tooth also carries a big job – laying the foundation for clear speech, healthy nutrition, and lifelong confidence in your child’s smile. Caring for your infant’s appearing […]

Get seven shades whiter teeth with Zoom Teeth Whitening

zoom teeth whitening

There is a saying that “first impression is the last impression,” and a bright smile plays an important role in that. A white smile can boost your confidence and leave a lasting impression. But, some factors such as age, diet, or habits like smoking can affect your teeth and stain or darken them. If you […]

What could you save with Teeth Cleaning Treatment?

Teeth Cleaning Treatment

You may brush your teeth twice daily with quality toothpaste and costly rinsers. But have you ever wondered why those yellow stains still stay back on the teeth? It happens to many of us and is quite common. How many times do you clean your teeth in a year by a dentist? It should be […]